Welcome to Prospect Infosys!
Prospect Infosys Inc.Prospect Infosys Inc.Prospect Infosys Inc.
(636) 536 0505


Welcome to the world of seamless staffing…

Our delivery model and placement process distinguish Prospect Infosys in the IT consulting industry. We offer choices so that our consultants find satisfaction in positions that best suit their career aspirations. Lead a team, be on a team, or work independently…be specialized, multi-disciplined, or shift your career in a new direction all together—your opportunities are endless.

Employee Referral Program

In becoming a master of your trade, you’ve likely met other professionals who could complete the multi-dimensional picture for your current project team or who deserve access to the world of achievement that you’ve discovered.  We are constantly searching for expertise in emerging technologies and the diverse resources required for successful IT organizations.

Whether or not you are a Prospect Infosys employee, we will reward you for bringing new talent to our team.  If you provide a resume that is not already in our database, and Prospect Infosys hires your referral for any project more than 90 days in duration, you are eligible to receive a reward bonus of $500 once your referral has worked 500 hours.

Client Referral Program

Our network recommends us because we exceed expectations.  If you learn of a new project or potential client, we will reward you for bringing new opportunities to our portfolio.  Simply provide the following details to register a client referral:


  • Company name and location
  • Name and contact information of project manager or decision maker (an introduction will improve your odds)
  • Technical details summary for project

We will follow-up with you within 24 hours, and if the provided information produces a Prospect Infosys project within 90 days, you will be rewarded.

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