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Testing is a critical step in the software development process to ensure that an application provides flawless usability and seamless functionality. Our clients experience first-hand how the Prospect Infosys streamline the testing process to elevate development products.

By combining robust testing processes and tools with appropriate workflow execution and decades of experience, Prospect Infosys delivers successfully and thoroughly tested software products on time, every time. Our comprehensive suite of application testing services focus on cost-effectiveness and efficiency to achieve a desired balance of speed and quality.

Testing methodologies include

  • Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Regression Testing

Based on project requirements one or many of these methodologies may be performed by our in-house testing professionals, each specialized in their respective testing segments. At Prospect Infosys we never compromise on quality or productivity as we consistently strive for a 100% client satisfaction rating.

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