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Software Development and Maintenance Services

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  • Software Development and Maintenance Services

The Prospect Infosys team has developed and maintained mission-critical applications for many IT-intensive organizations. From product inception through the various phases of application development, Prospect Infosys offers the full spectrum of technology skillsets to satisfy your project requirements.

Any Prospect Infosys application development project includes all SDLC phases across all required technical disciplines including integration, maintenance and migration. With an eye for detail, the Prospect Infosys process also includes a few additional steps to ensure project success.

  1. Identify and outline the business requirements and product metrics/goals
  2. Analyze the market and review appropriate use-case scenarios
  3. Recognize current trends and market requirements
  4. Spotlight product features and prioritize action items
  5. Develop for product scalability and long-term usability
  6. Enhance the product regularly to maintain a progressive business vision
  7. Build a win-win relationship with a clear roadmap and quick hand-off

The Prospect Infosys Team has decades of experience developing applications in compliance with industry and client standards.  Best practices garnered from this experience helped us establish a process that exceeds industry standards to ensure client satisfaction every time.

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