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(636) 536 0505


Prospect Infosys commits to a consistently high standard of excellence in its recruiting and human resource practices. As a result, we provide versatile IT consultingstaff augmentation and outsourcing solutions focused on recruiting and retaining the best network of industry talent. The success of our organization stems from the satisfaction of our employees, our clients, and our referral network over decades of proven performance.

With the broadest suite of service capabilities available in the industry today, Prospect Infosys truly partners with client companies to fill any temporary or permanent IT resource requirements. For example, our clients in the IT industry primarily require staff augmentation services with an occasional SOW project where as our clients in other industries outsource more IT requirements and employ fewer technology experts of their own. In any scenario our goal is the same, understand our client’s business requirements to quickly respond with the best IT talent that raises the bar for client expectations. By striving for such high standards, we will continue to outperform our competition as a preferred vendor for more and more America-based businesses.

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