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Cloud Services

Prospect Infosys offers a comprehensive range of robust and scalable cloud services from consulting and secure implementation to ongoing support activities. Our cloud experts help clients from diverse industries overcome cloud-specific challenges faster than their competition. We are not a “cloud” provider, but instead an expertise provider to support our clients in their own efforts to pursue operational efficiencies and develop new application capabilities within this technologically advanced business world. Whether you are evaluating the adoption of cloud or already in the implementation process, let Prospect Infosys be your partner in that transition. From Application Migration, Monitoring, and Testing services to Software Development and Web Application Development, we allow your teams to focus on improving business processes and enhancing business efficiencies. Depending on your needs, we may recommend a privatepublic, or hybrid cloud environment. Your requirements will dictate our recommendations for the most appropriate arrangement of products and services. We provide the specific tools and partnerships by which the organizations can more effectively manage and monitor their cloud-based resources and capabilities. Rest assured that as a privately held company, our consultative services are not biased by any conflicts of interest. Our vendor-neutral approach, supporting both cross-platform expertise and an aggregated delivery model, is why companies pursue Prospect Infosys cloud-based services.

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